Here is the link for the Self-Reliance Classes. All of the materials for use in the United States can be accessed here.
  1. Education for Better Work
  2. Emotional Resilience 
  3. English Connect 
  4. Find a Better Job
  5. Personal Finances
  6. Starting and Growing My Business

If you would like to take part in one of these classes, please speak to your Bishop, Relief Society President or Elder's Quorum President.  

It takes at least 8-12 people to do a class effectively.  Any ward with that many people who want to take a class can do this themselves.  If you ward doesn't have enough people, then the stake can help you recruit from other wards.  

Facilitators:   The facilitator for each group ideally would be trained by the Stake Welfare and Self-Reliance Specialists, the ward Self-Reliance Specialists or by any person who has previously facilitated a class.  There are additional helps for groups that want to do this remotely.


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